The three revelations we must know
· We must know our heavenly Father and that he is for us. Therefore nothing can stand against us.
· We must know the devil is our enemy and that he is eternally defeated.
· We must know who we are in Christ and walk in the reality of our new creation inheritance.
Who are you?
Do you know who you are?
Of course you do. When asked this question, you are quick to give your name, which identifies you to the world. If pressed for a further explanation, you might tell who your parents are or were. The next description you would give of yourself would probably be your occupation or maybe your spouse's name.
But who are you?
Everything you have listed is a physical description, but it falls short to defining who you are from God’s perspective.
2 COR 5:16(NKJV) Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer.
The Bible is clear that we are not to define ourselves or others after the flesh, but after the spirit.
Many of us define people by their backgrounds. We also define ourselves by our earthly backgrounds. God does not see us according to our earthly background or social status, but according to who we are in Him.
Case study one: Gideon
Gideon is one of those who defined himself after the flesh.
Read the book of JUDGES 6 (whole chapter)
Let’s catch up and learn more on this subject next week....
Apostle Ben Ndobe