Sunday, 13 April 2014

Eight Things A Christian Must Do During The Storm

We all go through storms one time or another in our walk with Christ. During this time we get confused and focus on the problem. We then make the problem bigger and forget that we serve a God of possibilities. A God bigger than our circumstances. 

The word of God has not promised us a free walk with Christ. It does say that we will face and meet challenges.

The following are some of the key things one MUST DO during the storm:
You MUST be strong in the Lord during the storm.

PROV 24:10(NKJV) If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. 

This means that the day of adversity is not the day to be tired
The crying of the believer is an entertainment for the devil
Trials, problems test how strong you are as a Christian.
“Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might…” (Eph 6:10)

The day of adversity is a wrong day to become weak. The enemy, in desperation, will re-enforce and regroup while you relax and your problems will accumulate.

Stay connected for the next weeks to learn more about what to do during the storm!

Stay Blessed!
Pastor Ben Ndobe 

Breaking The Siege Of The Enemy

As a Christian do you feel caged and walled in?
Do you feel like you are tied on the same spot?
Do you feel like you are moving in vicious circles?


Do your feel your businesses, destinies, ministries, marriages and promising pursuits that have been walled around.

 You truly feel every access that can bring progress and prosperity seem to be blocked, causing your pursuits to be frustrated.

If your answer is Yes to the above YOU ARE UNDER SIEGE

The English Dictionary defines a siege as a blockage, a barrier, an obstruction, a line of defense, a cordon. To be besieged means, “To be walled in, surrounded, encamped and enclosed.”

When you are besieged, you are walled in, surrounded, shut in, squeezed in, enclosed and encamped by the enemy.


How to break the siege of the enemy? Follow me on this blog to establish how.

Stay Blessed
Apostle Ben Ndobe